2 programs in Lund
- Sverige
- Lund
2 programs in Lund
Lund University
LLM in International Human Rights Law
- Lund, Sverige
2 år
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For 30 years, the Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law has been offered by the Faculty of Law. It is a cooperative venture by the Faculty of Law and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI). This makes your education unique: no other LL.M programme offers the joint resources of a prestigious law school and an implementation-oriented human rights institution. The Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law is one of the first LL.M programmes established specifically to provide for the academic mastery of an increasingly complex area: the international law of human rights and humanitarian law.
Lund University
LLM in European Business Law
- Lund, Sverige
2 år
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Scandinavia’s oldest programme in European economic law at Scandinavia’s best-ranked law faculty provides an in-depth understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of European law. It offers an excellent foundation in the EU constitutional framework and in the workings of the most important rules governing how businesses operate in Europe. The programme is taught by expert teachers from Lund University, supported by leading academics from other top-ranked universities, and with input from senior practitioners in key EU institutions, national authorities and leading law firms. With the optional second year, students have extensive possibilities to tailor their studies to suit their interests and future career ambitions.
Populært studieformat
LLM Programmer i Lund, Sverige
Med over 80 000 innbyggere, er Lund byen det administrative senteret i Lund kommune, i provinsen Skåne, Sverige. Det er en by som har flere høyteknologiske baser selskaper. Lund har fire universiteter.
Sverige (Sverige) er den største av de nordiske landene, med en befolkning på rundt 9,5 millioner. Det grenser Norge og Finland og er koblet til Danmark via broen over Öresund (Öresundsbron). Sverige har en sterk tradisjon for å være en åpen, men likevel diskret landet.
En LLM eller Master of Laws grad er en akademisk grad, ofte etterspørres av studenter med lavere juridisk embetseksamen som ønsker å utdanne seg mer grundig i ett bestemt område av loven studien. LLM programmer er forskningsorientert og varer vanligvis i ett år.